In the following, you will find some research-based tips and tricks on how to improve your web design.
1. Make Site Speed an Absolute Priority
It’s probably one of the least debated facts in the web design sphere that speed is important. Research has shown that it influences everything from bounce rate over user satisfaction to conversions and revenue.
website speed effect web design tips
If your site is slow, visitors will not stick around. Period. Plus, because users care, search engines also do and factor your page loading speed into their rankings. For that reason, it’s paramount that you invest in making your site as fast as possible.
How? The articles below will put you on the right track:
Whether or not there is still such a thing as the fold is part of a heated debate. Some say that because of the multitude of screen sizes these days, the fold doesn’t matter anymore. Others have a different opinion.
However, the fact is that even in 2018, people spend 57 percent of their time above the fold with a sharp decline afterward. 74 percent of their time is dedicated to the first two screenfuls.
take advantage of the fold web design tips
So, it seems like the fold still matters. For your website that means you need to prioritize your content and use the available space to hook users in so they continue. Here are some tips on how to do that:
Use a clear and descriptive headline — Explain what your site can do for visitors, highlight the benefits. Be brief and use powerful words. For more advice, look into our copywriting tips.
Include your main call to action — To improve your chances for converting, the fold is the time to start the user journey. Make sure your CTA is clear and visible.
Include media — Images, videos or audio help emphasize your point. We will talk more about visual content further below.